Featured on Ceramic Supply’s Blog
June 1, 2016 IN

It was an honor to be interviewed and then featured on the Ceramic Supply website. At the risk of this sounding like an endorsement,  I am grateful to have had such a fine company mixing and delivering clay for more than 40 years to both my studio and classes at NYU. I have grown to rely on the quality of their clays and glaze materials. How fortunate we are in the USA to have abundant sources of clay, particularly when clays in other regions of the world, like Thailand and Japan, are scarce and very expensive.

It was an honor to be interviewed and then featured on the Ceramic Supply website. At the risk of this sounding like an endorsement,  I am grateful to have had such a fine company mixing and delivering clay for more than 40 years to both my studio and classes at NYU. I have grown to rely on the quality of their clays and glaze materials. How fortunate we are in the USA to have abundant sources of clay, particularly when clays in other regions of the world, like Thailand and Japan, are scarce and very expensive.

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